Kgomotso Modise13 February 2024 | 7:40

Meyiwa trial: State accuses Ntanzi of adjusting and fabricating testimony

The State has been cross-examining Ntanzi, one of the accused in the murder trial, in court as it works to determine the admissibility of the confession statements he signed.

Meyiwa trial: State accuses Ntanzi of adjusting and fabricating testimony

Senzo Meyiwa trial. Picture: Kgomotso Modise/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG - The State in the Senzo Meyiwa trial accused one of his alleged killers of adjusting and fabricating his testimony.

Bongani Ntanzi has been facing tough questions in the Pretoria High Court as it works to determine the admissibility of confession statements that he signed.


- Meyiwa trial: Ntanzi trying to rectify version presented by his lawyers around alleged police assault

- Meyiwa murder trial: Bongani Ntanzi distances himself from his lawyer's version of events

He insists police tortured him into signing the incriminating statements.

Five men are being tried for Meyiwa’s murder, which happened almost a decade ago.

As Ntanzi has been on the witness stand, he has added some minor details to his initial version.

One of those is what happened when he met the investigating officer, Brigadier Bongani Gininda, for the first time outside the Sibanye mine, where he worked.

He said Gininda threatened him, but prosecutor Ronnie Sibanda disputed this account.

"He threatened me because he pointed his finger in my face - that is threatening," Ntanzi said.

"You are adjusting your testimony as you go – that is total fabrication," Sibanda replied.

Sibanda will continue his cross-examination of Ntanzi on Tuesday morning.