Mongezi Koko27 February 2024 | 13:25

NEHAWU workers at UP take their frustrations to the police

Earlier on Tuesday, demonstrators were prohibited from entering the institution after they revealed that they intended to disrupt academic activities.

NEHAWU workers at UP take their frustrations to the police

JOHANNESBURG - Some protesting employees affiliated to Nehawu at the University of Pretoria have taken their frustrations to the police.

Earlier on Tuesday, the demonstrators were prohibited from entering the institution after they revealed that they intended to disrupt academic activities.

Union leaders said they are opening two cases against SAPS members who they are accusing of injuring innocent students and demonstrators and the university respectively.

This follows a similar demonstration on Monday which left 45 workers and 20 students injured according to the union.

Nehawu's chairperson at the University of Pretoria, TL Matuba said "There is nothing that is going to intimidate us - if we have survived being intimidated by rubber bullets and whatever they put on us yesterday, it shows you that we are soldiers. We will die on the fire".

Meanwhile, the university took precautionary measures to ensure that learning and teaching continues uninterrupted. Spokesperson Rikus Delport said "At our Hatfield campus, we have moved all our teaching online so there are very few students there. This is also the only campus that workers are allowed to strike".