Mongezi Koko27 February 2024 | 10:25

Striking NEHAWU workers at UP vow to continue until university 'goes back to the drawing board'

For over two weeks, NEHAWU has been negotiating a 7% wage increase for its members while the employer is offering 4%.

Striking NEHAWU workers at UP vow to continue until university 'goes back to the drawing board'

University of Pretoria employees affiliated with NEHAWU embarked on a protest over salary issues on 27 February 2024 . Picture: Screengrab/ Mongezi Koko/ Eyewitness News

PRETORIA - Employees affiliated with the National Education, Health, and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) continued their protest over salary issues at the University of Pretoria on Tuesday.

On Monday, there were clashes between police and demonstrators on campus when officers fired rubber bullets and used stun grenades to disperse the group.

Forty-five workers and 20 students were injured. One person who was arrested has since been released.

The university said it did not give police instructions to shoot students or the striking employees. 

READ: Some healthcare workers vow to continue protesting if govt doesn’t employ more in sector

For over two weeks, NEHAWU has been negotiating a 7% wage increase for its members while the employer is offering 4%. 

Meanwhile, classes have been moved online to allow for the academic programme to continue.

With the gates shut and police keeping a close eye on the disgruntled employees, NEHAWU leadership said the shutdown would continue until their demands are met.

University of Pretoria NEHAWU chairperson Tlou Matuba: “Our aim is to shut down the university so that there are no activities until they go back to the drawing boards.”