Keely Goodall6 March 2024 | 7:14

Violent transport mafias wreak havoc in Richards Bay

Transport mafias are reportedly sabotaging rail lines in Richards Bay to profit from coal transport.

Violent transport mafias wreak havoc in Richards Bay

Picture: © arturnyk/

John Maytham speaks with Greg Arde, a Journalist at Daily Maverick.

Listen to the interview in the audio below.

Transport mafias are holding the coal industry in Richards Bay at ransom, says Arde.

These syndicates are believed to be responsible for sabotaging rail lines, and a string of murders.


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The killings of high-profile industry members, such as Foskor's Sifiso Mncube and RBM's Nico Swart, are believed to be linked to the mafia.

The sabotage of the rail lines forced a switch from rail transport to coal trucks, of which about 1000 enter Richards Bay every day.

“You only have to look at the increase in the number of trucks to appreciate what is going on there.”
- Greg Arde, Journalist - Daily Maverick

Scroll up to the audio player to listen to the interview.