Tshidi Madia19 May 2024 | 7:00

Magashule says ACT will vote for MK Party when country takes to the polls

Magashule told his supporters at the launch of his manifesto in Evaton, south of Johannesburg, on Saturday that since ACT will not be on the ballot, it will throw its weight behind Zuma’s outfit, but that it must return the favour at the national level.

Magashule says ACT will vote for MK Party when country takes to the polls

Picture: Facebook/Africancongressfortransformation

JOHANNESBURG - African Congress for Transformation (ACT) President Ace Magashule said his organisation will be voting for the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party when the country takes to the ballot.

Magashule told his supporters at the launch of his manifesto in Evaton, south of Johannesburg, on Saturday that since ACT will not be on the ballot, it will throw its weight behind former president Jacob Zuma’s outfit, but that it must return the favour at the national level.

The expelled former secretary general of the African National Congress (ANC) launched his new party in 2023, months before Zuma announced that he would be backing the MK Party.

It has since emerged that Zuma was not only lending support to the organisation, but that it was his brainchild.

While Zuma gathered thousands at the Orlando Stadium in Soweto, not too far from that, his once close ally, Magashule, also held an event.

Magashule’s gathering, held at a popular church in Evaton, attracted several hundreds.

Magashule told supporters that ACT would not be able to contest in KwaZulu-Natal, calling on those in that province to support Zuma’s formation.

“We’ve accepted that and so we are moving on, and that’s why because we are not there, we think MK is very strong in KwaZulu-Natal and we are asking for people to vote for them in terms of the provincial ballot.”

Magashule said that it wasn't planned that his and Zuma’s MK Party would launch their manifestos on the same day.

He said due to challenges, ACT had to push back its launch.