Lindsay Dentlinger27 May 2024 | 15:13

De Lille says Good not joining any pacts for political expediency

Speaking at the Cape Town Press Club on Monday, De Lille said it's a false perception that after serving in an African National Congress (ANC) cabinet over the last five years, she's aligned to the party.

De Lille says Good not joining any pacts for political expediency

Good Party leader Patricia de Lille at the Cape Town press Club on 27 May 2024. Picture: Lindsay Dentlinger/Eyewitness News

CAPE TOWN - Good Party leader, Patricia de Lille, said she did not view her political adversaries as enemies. 

But she's not about to throw in her lot with them either. 

She said that voters must consider whether political parties had delivered on their promises of five years ago to better inform them of who to vote for. 

Speaking at the Cape Town Press Club on Monday, De Lille said it's a false perception that after serving in an African National Congress (ANC) cabinet over the last five years, she's aligned to the party.

The veteran politician has served in various parties in her decades-long career, starting two of them from scratch. 

But she said that her Good Party was not about to join any pacts for political expediency.

"There's this narrative that if are not part of this Multi-Party Charter, moon shot, one-way ticket to the moon, that you are with the doomed coalition."

De Lille's also sceptical of the pundits and is not writing off her political opponents just yet either. 

"The older parties are not just about to disappear. They will still be there on the first of June." 

However, despite her position on pacts, De Lille is predicting coalition governments to become the future of the South African political landscape.