Mongezi Koko6 June 2024 | 6:30

Govt to assist those in EC whose homes have been destroyed by floods

Deputy Minister for Human Settlements Pam Tshwete says assessments in the Eastern Cape first need to be conducted before the department can begin its provision of building materials.

Govt to assist those in EC whose homes have been destroyed by floods

Severe flooding hit parts of the Eastern Cape on the weekend of 1 and 2 June 2024. Picture: Gift of the Givers/Facebook

​JOHANNESBURG - Government said that it would assist those whose homes had been destroyed by torrential rains over the weekend in the Eastern Cape.

On Wednesday, Deputy Minister for Human Settlements Pam Tshwete, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Minister Thembi Nkadimeng and Premier Oscar Mabuyane conducted door-to-door visits to some homes affected by the flooding.

Destructive EC floods: COGTA, Human Settlements Depts urge residents to be alert

Tshwete said that assessments first needed to be conducted before the department could begin its provision of building materials.

"We go in, we check and we send our teams to look at the roofs to look at the replacement, it’s either we give them material to rebuild their houses but we get assessments because we have to get assessments first, even those who are in informal settlements," said Tshwete.