Melikhaya Zagagana11 May 2024 | 11:42

Hundreds of supporters turn up in Athlone for Patriotic Alliance rally

The Patriotic Alliance is confident that it is going to give the DA a run for its money in the upcoming elections.

Hundreds of supporters turn up in Athlone for Patriotic Alliance rally

The Patriotic Alliance held a 'Victory Rally' at the Athlone Stadium in Cape Town on 11 May 2024. Picture: Melikhaya Zagagana/Eyewitness News

JOHANNESBURG - Hundreds of people in Patriotic Alliance (PA) regalia have come out to attend the party’s victory rally at the Athlone Stadium on Saturday.

Party leader, Gayton Mckenzie, is expected to address supporters.

Some party supporters have told Eyewitness News why they are supporting the party.

"The coloured people are the majority in the Western Cape and I think if you look to the positions in the Western Cape, especially in the DA side, they are the minority but they still run the province," one supporter said.

"He is for his people. Why don't we give him a chance rather than the ANC and the DA?" another supporter asked.

"This man is going to make a difference I believe in him. I believe that my children will have a better future," one supported added.

"He is sending foreigners home, that's a big step in the country," this supporter added.

The Patriotic Alliance is confident that it is going to give the DA a run for its money in the upcoming elections.