Veronica Makhoali4 March 2024 | 7:35

UP says physical classes resuming Monday following NEHAWU-affiliated workers strike

Classes were suspended due to a wage strike by NEHAWU-affiliated employees at the institution.

UP says physical classes resuming Monday following NEHAWU-affiliated workers strike

The University of Pretoria (UP). Picture: Facebook/UnivofPretoria

TSHWANE - The University of Pretoria (UP) says physical classes will resume on Monday after they were suspended due to a strike by the National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union-affiliated (NEHAWU) employees at the institution.

Police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades last week to disperse striking workers on campus.

ALSO READ: Striking NEHAWU workers at UP vow to continue until university 'goes back to the drawing board'

NEHAWU declared a wage-related dispute in November after the university made a final offer of a 4% increase.

The union is demanding a 7% hike, a 13th cheque, and a once-off bonus.

University spokesperson Rikus Delport said it obtained a court order to restrict striking employees from disrupting teaching and learning.

“We are confident that normal teaching and learning activities will proceed smoothly. It is our firm belief that the University of Pretoria students deserve an uninterrupted educational experience, and we are committed to ensuring the well-being of our students and staff."

NEHAWU said the disruptions were inevitable because of the university’s approach to the wage dispute.

“Their continued negotiation in bad faith is to blame for the disruption of activities at the university,” said the union’s Deputy General Secretary December Mavuso.