Melikhaya Zagagana 15 March 2024 | 13:42

Cape Town mayor calls on residents to report 'mafia syndicates'

Geordin Hill-Lewis said the metro has been mobilising communities to get involved in the fight against extortion syndicates.

Cape Town mayor calls on residents to report 'mafia syndicates'

FILE: Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis. Picture: Supplied

CAPE TOWN - Cape Town Mayor, Geordin Hill-Lewis is calling on the police to increase efforts to protect construction sites from the so-called mafia syndicates.

Hill-Lewis was speaking at the MyCiti Bus route construction site in Khayelitsha on Friday.

The site has been forced to pause its work recently over reports of money demands from construction syndicates.

Geordin Hill-Lewis said the metro has been mobilising communities to get involved in the fight against extortion syndicates.

He’s encouraging those with information behind these criminal activities to report it to authorities.

"I must say to you that with these extortionists the person that comes to your shop and ask for money, that’s not the guys that you want. You need to get the guy at the top, and for that you got to have crime intelligence. You have got to have sophisticated ability to trace emails and WhatsApps and phone calls to trace bank accounts."

According to the City, the project is expected to be completed by May next year if there are no further disruptions.