Natalie Malgas17 May 2024 | 6:29

Wife of Lesotho plasterer killed in George building collapse hopes she can lay her husband to rest soon

Marelebohile's husband, Matlatsi Moso, was working as a plasterer perched on scaffolding at the time of the disaster last Monday.

Wife of Lesotho plasterer killed in George building collapse hopes she can lay her husband to rest soon

Balloons and flowers at Erf 15098, Victoria Street in George where a moment of silence was observed for those who perished in the building collapse, on 13 May 2024. Picture: Kayleen Morgan/Eyewitness News

GEORGE - The wife of a Lesotho national who died when an apartment block collapsed in George says she's ready to return home to rebuild her life.

When disaster struck last Monday, Marelebohile's husband, Matlatsi Moso, worked as a plasterer.

Thirty-two of his colleagues also died, while 19 others are still unaccounted for.


Marelobohile and her husband moved to George in June last year. Mahlatsi had only been working on the apartment building for two months. 

On that ill-fated Monday, he was perched on scaffolding, plastering the apartment walls.

This week, his wife identified his body in the morgue.

"They had a pen here. I'm confused, I don't know where to start. Because he was the one who was helping with everything."

Marelobohile said she had no choice but to return to Lesotho with her newborn daughter once her husband's remains were repatriated. 

"I don't know what to do here, I was not working before. If I stay here, I don't know what to do."

She said President Cyril Ramaphosa's visit to grieving families on Thursday gave her some comfort the families would be supported in the repatriation effort, and her husband would be laid to rest soon.